Take Action for the Freedom to Vote Act

Next week, Diversity Matters is joining our partners in a Relay from West Virginia to Washington, DC, to fight for the Freedom to Vote Act. We’ll be riding bikes, cars, and walking to DC from October 21st in order to show our people power in DC on Saturday, October 23rd.

If you’re interested in joining our march from West Virginia to DC, you can read more about the Relay here: https://freedomtovoterelay.org/.

Even if you may not be able to participate in this relay in-person, you can still act to pass the Freedom to Vote Act by joining March On’s Virtual Relay Team to take online actions and help us defend democracy!

Actions you can take:

  1. Call your Senator and President Biden to urge them to protect our freedoms to vote.

  2. Submit a letter to the editor of your local paper about the need to protect our freedom to vote.

  3. Sign up for a volunteer phonebook to call voters in key states to urge them to call their Senators in support of the Freedom to Vote Act.

  4. Sign up or recruit someone else to sign up for a physical leg of the relay.